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correctional court造句

"correctional court"是什麼意思  correctional courtの例文  


  • Levinson, who spent four years investigating the Russian mafia, told the Geneva correctional court.
  • Decisions of the Correctional Court can be appealed against to the correctional chambers of the Court of Cassation.
  • Although Sharia4Belgium was called to the correctional court for incitement to hate, neither the organisation nor its members were sentenced.
  • The correctional court closed after the Act of 17 February 1800 and Cherbourg was made a town and township of the.
  • Next week, a correctional court will open against a local sexton charged with sexually abusing 26 boys and girls over three decades.
  • The investigation also sent to the Paris Correctional Court evidence against Noriega's wife Felicidad, judicial sources said Tuesday on condition of anonymity.
  • Under the Directory, they were replaced by a simple police court, attended by a justice of the peace, and a police correctional court.
  • In October 2009, a three-judge panel at the Correctional Court in Paris, France convicted the church and six of its members of organized fraud.
  • Finally, on 16 February 2004, the correctional court of Paris convicted Renaud Donnedieu de Vabres of money laundering, with a ?15, 000 fine.
  • Next week, a correctional court will open against a local sexton charged with sexually abusing 26 underage boys and girls over the past three decades.
  • It's difficult to see correctional court in a sentence. 用correctional court造句挺難的
  • The Correctional Court of Strasbourg convicted the three men from Liverpool on Wednesday night and sentenced them to eight months in prison, four of them suspended.
  • For instance, on October 3, 2006, he was sentenced to a three-month suspended sentence by the Paris correctional court, for denying the Holocaust on an Iranian TV channel.
  • Next week, a correctional court will deal with a local official in charge of church services who allegedly abused 26 underage boys and girls over the past three decades.
  • Swiss authorities deported Mikhailov, 40, to Russia last Saturday, hours after a jury at Geneva Correctional Court cleared him of charges he was a member of a criminal organization.
  • Appearing as a defense witness for Sergei Mikhailov, Clark told the Geneva correctional court that an American court would never have allowed the testimony that Robert Levinson gave last Thursday.
  • Appearing as a defense witness for Sergei Mikhailov, Clark told the Geneva correctional court that the testimony of Robert Levinson last Thursday would never have been allowed in an American court.
  • Only a minority of criminal cases are settled by that method : in 2009, 77, 500 out of the 673, 700 or 11.5 % of the decisions by the correctional courts.
  • He told the Geneva correctional court trying Sergei Mikhailov that an investigation file used by Robert Levinson contained many items which were " gossip, reports from the media and deliberately planted misinformation ."
  • A correctional court ruled Thursday that the head of Belgium's Roman Catholic church was liable for civil damages in the case of a priest convicted to six years imprisonment for sexually abusing young boys.
  • In a judgement dated December 18, 2015 the correctional court of Paris condemned Boutin to a fine of 5000 euros and 2000 euros for legal damages for having said that homosexuality was an abomination.
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